Friday, April 23, 2010


Aint it funny? You got money, you xpect life to be all honey, You smart, You figure Shit aint like that.
Life stinks more than no other fart.
Everyday is a hustle. It's more than a gamble.
Life aint sour all the time, sometimes it do shine bright. Confusing Right? That's what makes it worth the bite.
Just these dickheads all up in you hair, posing like they care.
Where they be coming from? What do they know?

It's your shit, your life. I'ts your fight. You just tryinna survive.
Why the fuck they be telling you what to do.
Thinking they tool cool, they too hot, and you not.
Why the be like they got game and you so lame?
You came up all by yourself , without nobody's help.
You tryinna be hip, they all up in your shit, like, this aint cool, that aint good, That was'nt right. This mightta been tight.
Why the fuck? Makes you wanna holla: Life sucks!
But no it don't. You's always the one to make it hot.
Give it all you got. It be your spot.

Don't budge, take charge.
You get burned, you is the one to hurt.
You succeed, it's your glee.
They hurt, aint your business, neither should it be their succes.
It's all your shit. Do it the way you know it. It's your life, your smile.
It be your pain, you rain, your hurt.
Yours and nobody else's.
Don't give a shit, that's it.
It's your life, they don't like it, they gotta take a hike. They not getting it the first time.
Holla one more time. It's my life!
Still they don't figure, give'em the middle finger
Live it the way you pleease, take it easy,
It's your life, ya dig?

18 minutes ago ·

Thursday, April 8, 2010


There have been, mixed reactions following the can of worms that opened on the philandering of one Tiger Woods. Comments demonstrating either condemnation or utter indifference to the whole debacle from his and golf fans in general, golf officials and of course his sponsors, the ones that were indirectly oiling the wheels of his lustful life

If it were up to some of them, especially the officials, they would have had him banned off any golf course in the universe for life, even the one in his own backyard, all for the unwanted, especially considering that golf is an elite sport, coupled with him being a role model? Just imagine the sport’s loss in the numerous sponsorship deals, tied to Tiger that were cancelled, taking into account the magnitude of the magnetic force he has always had in pulling in the backs within the golf circles.

And there are the so righteous male fans that, listening to them all you are left believing they would, at no point of their heartbeat, look at a female – with an attractive, voluptuously, curvy figure, with Pamela Anderson boobs, her cleavage exposed in the prevailing fashion, think anything beyond looking- but act like they are staring at an empty space, have been hitting him with an assortment of denunciation from all corners of the globe, branding him the ultimate disgrace to, not only the male, but the entire God’s creation. Just imagine having a string of more than 10 women claiming to have had canal knowledge of the first married - billion dollar sports person?
Add into that boiling pot, the female species, who won’t take any crap in defense of the one person who has irreparably miffed one of their own.
And there are the sponsors, who fear, the disdain of Tiger, raging the world over, may transfer to their multibillion dollar brands, have dissociated themselves from the shameless creature to the best of their capabilities.

There is no excuse, what Tiger did was beastly immoral. But it is indisputably a fact that it is because of Tiger Woods that the golf officials can now afford to be chauffeured in sleek limousines, the latest the market can offer. Is it not the excitement created out of the need to see how the now -disgraced Tiger would fair during a tournament or who his closest rival would be, and how close the rival would be, that these fans would not want to miss any golf tournament? How much has Tiger contributed for these firms to achieve their billion dollar brands? Tiger has not been raking in those millions as a gift, he has been working for that money.

Is it not apparent therefore that, through - out the Tiger Woods years, the relationships that have been there with all concerned parties have been mutually beneficial? Golf administrators, the sponsors, and Tiger himself have raked - billions and billions of dollars, the fans have had a roller coaster of fantastic golf - watching and following. If Tiger’s fall from disgrace, is to be permanent, how much and how long will it take for the world to create another, who will be able to move units for sponsors and golf, offer a highly compelling reason for one to be an ardent golf fan, or even in the most extreme end, attempt to be a golfer?

We may argue here that if Tiger does not recover from the knock, his irresponsible behaviuor has had on his bank account, he is going to be the biggest loser. He may lose more than anybody else, only because it is clear golf is the one thing he loves (of course not sex as it has been established that this was not a physical but more of a psychological issue – how far that much is true we do not know and neither do we give a heck) and possibly knows better. But monetary wise, he has made enough money already to cover a generation of his family, if David Beckham, can say that he has made enough money, to take care of his children, their children and grandchildren for generations, yet Tiger has made much more than one of football’s golden boys. All Tiger can do is start investing and spend carefully the bucks he has in the bank and he would be able to make even more than he will if the comeback tips in his favour.

If his career crambles, it is not only Tiger who stands to lose, neither can we convincingly argue that, he is the one to lose the most. How much is it going to cost relatively for the rest of the bunch to find a replacement for Tiger in all of their uses of him? Is it not apparent therefore, that since everybody is going to lose when Tiger loses his golf career, we could as well join hands and tactfully minimize the damage Tiger’s wayward ways can cause to his career, from which, it has so far been proven we are all reaping, other than playing the hollier than though game?. There is no need to think that this would be giving Tiger a blank cheque of impunity. One thing is for sure, this is a feat no one would want to repeat looking at what he has been through.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Married or involved, with a facebook or any social networking site - account; you get a friend request or an invitation in your account from a lusciously gorgeous member of the opposite sex, with a profile of almost everything that melts your whole being, in a member of the opposite sex that you may covet? She or he, appears to be an obviously, god-given answer to nearly all of your fantasies?

Odds are, this is a bogus account of someone very close to you, out to have fun or worse still, this is your suspicious partner determined to catch the lustful you (if you are a man) or promiscuous you (if you are a lady - check out societal gender bias at its best) with your pants down. Gotcha! Right?

Oh yes you may doubt this, wondering how on earth your partner would know about all your fantasies, the features you look for in members of the opposite sex you covet or are already hitting it with on the D.L., since you would not dare tell him/her - it would be utterly suicidal. Believe it or not, the time you have been together you have inadvertently or subconsciously been letting these secrets out to your partner. Like when your partner sees a member of your opposite sex and comments that they are eye-catching, and you differ with them, they press for reasons, you give them. There you are, exposing yourself to the last person on earth you normally would.

It does not matter how faithful or trustworthy you may be or may have proven to be, neither will it be of any substance, how trustful or unassuming they may be, your partner will be mentally noting all these vital keys to your other personalities that you always try to keep away from their prying minds.

But there is solace in the fact that, that can also be somebody interested in you and is trying to find a lot about, which of course is also disturbingly dreadful if you have a manifestly dark side you would not want him or her to know. Whichever way, watch out for the tricksters. So how can you know if the people asking you to be friends with them are not out to trick you? Check how long they have been on facebook. See if they have any facebook friends apart from you. Find out more about their friends. If you are the first person to be asked for friendship, watch out – how can one create a social networking site account and the first person they send a friend request or invitation to is someone who does not have the slightest idea of who, they, the sender are?

If the day they have sent you a friend request or invitation to join, is their first day on the site, yet you do not know or do not remember who they are, be wary. If they have a friend on the site with whom you know personally, find from your friend who this person is. Bet you, when you are checking out their friends, you will hit the jackpot in no time; they will have their closest friend, relation or workmate as a friend on the site. Eureka! You have beaten them hands down at their own game.


You see all of you my philanering friends, not just because you choose a path differrent to the rest of us do I wish you bad, I love you the same. wouldn't wish there to be problems in your families, this is why when I know that you are cheating, I do not tell on you but woulfd rahter sit you down and talk to you about it, if you choose not to take I hid, i love you all the same. Why should I judge you? And do not think that I do not judge just because judgement is for the Father, but i do not know why you sleep around? Not all of you cheat on your spouses out of sheer selfishness, some of you have been driven down this dispicable path because of the same spouses, for some of you it is all purely a psychological problem that if you were as rich as Tiger Woods and the rest of them, you would have sought therapy to be brought back and ofcourse some of you all just plain selfish but how would I know how to clssify you? And some of you cheat in search for lessons so you can please your spouses better when you go back home, so I hear. My only plea, my unconditional love for your is no guarantee for you to continue on your lastful path, work to better yourselves. By the way, look out for a publication on this blog, about why people cheat on their spouses.